Impact Map - Climate Impact Lab
2024年8月15日 · The Climate Impact Map provides a highly localized picture of future climate impacts across the US and the globe. Explore how climate change will affect you.
New Climate Maps Show a Transformed United States
2020年9月15日 · See how the North American places where humans have lived for thousands of years will shift and what changes are in store for your county.
Maps & Data - NOAA Climate.gov
Browse a range of easy-to-understand climate maps in a single interface. Visualize climate data via an interactive web map. Find out about measuring, modeling, and predicting climate and ways to find and use climate data.
Climate Time Machine - Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
This color-coded map shows a progression of changing global surface temperatures since 1884. Dark blue indicates areas cooler than average. Dark red indicates areas warmer than average.
National Climate Change Viewer - High Resolution Map
2023年10月27日 · The USGS National Climate Change Viewer (NCCV) is a web application for visualizing climate change projections across the conterminous United States. Users can visualize projected changes in climate and water balance by state, county or USGS Hydrologic Units.
Future Climate Projections - Graphs & Maps - NOAA Climate.gov
Check future climate projections for any county in the United States. View graphs or maps to compare future projections with observations from the recent past.
National Climate Change Viewer (NCCV) | U.S. Geological Survey - USGS.gov
2021年6月22日 · The USGS National Climate Change Viewer (NCCV) is a web application for visualizing climate change projections across the conterminous United States. Users can visualize projected changes in climate and water balance by state, county or USGS Hydrologic Units.
National Climate Assessment Interactive Atlas
Discover, analyze and download data from National Climate Assessment Interactive Atlas. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. …
Sea Level Rise - Map Viewer | NOAA Climate.gov
NOAA's Sea Level Rise map viewer gives users a way to visualize community-level impacts from coastal flooding or sea level rise (up to 10 feet above average high tides).
MapMaker: Climate Change Indicators - Education
2024年9月30日 · By layering various indicators of climate change on top of one another and visualizing the information on a world map, we can see an increasingly comprehensive picture of Earth's changing climate.