12. Surface drip irrigation - ScienceDirect
2007年1月1日 · Surface drip irrigation is widely used to irrigate perennial crops (trees and vines) and annual row crops. However, because the design and management of irrigation systems for these types of crops are different, this chapter addresses the two cropping systems separately. The design of surface drip irrigation systems for trees and vines is similar.
Drip vs. surface irrigation: A comparison focussing on water …
2014年6月1日 · This study explores the use of drip and surface irrigation decision support systems to select among furrow, border and drip irrigation systems for cotton, considering water saving and economic priorities.
Surface drip irrigation - ScienceDirect
2024年1月1日 · A surface drip irrigation system delivers water and nutrients onto the soil surface in the vicinity of plants using a network of plastic tubing, including mainlines, submains, manifolds, headers, and lateral lines, with emission devices spaced along the laterals.
Results for surface irrigation indicate a slight advantage for long non-lasered graded furrows; non-lasered alternatives were selected due to eco-nomic considerations. For drip irrigation, the best ranking is for systems having lower costs, mainly with …
Covered Surface Drip Irrigation This additional information applies only to covered surface drip irrigation land application systems. The dripline used for surface irrigation must be pegged to the surface of the ground and covered with a mulch or granulated bark. Mulch or bark has a large surface area which assists in evaporation of the wastewater.
Effect of surface water and underground water drip irrigation on …
2022年10月14日 · In this study, two field experiments were carried out in calcareous soils. We hypothesize that surface water drip irrigation outcompetes underground water irrigation in increasing cotton yield, dry matter accumulation and NPK uptake.
Drip irrigation – also known as low-flow, micro, and trickle irrigation – is the slow, measured application of water through devices called emitters. It is the most eficient way to irrigate. A wide variety of quality products has been developed to make drip irrigation reliable and easy to use for almost any landscape situation.
Considerations for Subsurface Drip Irrigation Application in …
2023年12月18日 · Subsurface drip irrigation is the practice of installing drip irrigation (low flow rate emitters operating at low pressures) below the ground surface. The potential exists to use SDI below planting and tillage operations even in standard row-crop production systems.
Subsurface drip irrigation mitigated greenhouse gas emission …
We conducted a two-year field experiment to research the effects of surface drip irrigation (DI), subsurface drip irrigation (SDI), and no irrigation (CK) on soil GHG emissions (CH 4, CO 2, N 2 O), as well as the regulatory mechanisms of yield and root growth (root length density, diameter) in apple orchards.
Shallow Subsurface Drip Irrigation: A Tool for Organic Vegetable ...
2024年6月24日 · In contrast, shallow subsurface drip irrigation (SSDI) is a system that is typically buried at depths of 3–5 in. and is removed annually or after a cropping cycle is completed. Because of the shallow roots of many vegetable crops, SSDI systems are often preferred.