Pueblo Bonito - Wikipedia
Pueblo Bonito is the largest great house in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Examination of pack rat middens revealed that at the time that Pueblo Bonito was built, Chaco Canyon and the surrounding areas were wooded by trees such as ponderosa pines. Evidence of such trees can be seen within the structure of Pueblo Bonito, such as the first-floor ...
Pueblo Bonito: A Testament to Chaco Culture in New Mexico
2023年7月9日 · Pueblo Bonito is the most thoroughly investigated and celebrated cultural site in Chaco Canyon. Planned and constructed in stages between AD 850 to AD 1150 by ancestral Puebloan peoples, this was the center of the Chacoan world.
Pueblo Bonito - SAH ARCHIPEDIA
The sandstone used to construct the massive walls of Pueblo Bonito came from the cliffs of Chaco Canyon. Old Bonito is built with Cliff House Sandstone, a durable stone taken from the upper section of the cliffs that fractures easily into tabular pieces.
Pueblo Bonito | High Altitude Observatory - University …
Pueblo Bonito is the largest ancient dwelling at Chaco Canyon, and in fact the largest known Anasazi dwelling. The South wall (running vertically along the right of the photograph) is nearly 175 meters long.
The complex history of Pueblo Bonito and its interpretation
Pueblo Bonito in Chaco Canyon is one of the most iconic pre-Hispanic archaeological sites in the U.S. Southwest. Archaeologists refer to it as a great house in recognition of its massive scale, and often describe it as the centre of the Chaco world.
Pueblo Bonito - Hidden Architecture
Pueblo Bonito (Spanish for beautiful town), the largest and best-known great house in Chaco Culture National Historical Park, northern New Mexico, was built by the Ancestral Puebloans, who occupied the structure between AD 828 and 1126.
Pueblo Bonito: Chaco Canyon Great House in New Mexico
2018年3月12日 · Pueblo Bonito is an important Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi) site and one of the largest Great House sites in the Chaco Canyon region. It was constructed over a period of 300 years, between AD 850 and 1150-1200 and it was abandoned at the end of the 13 th century.
Ancient Observatories: Chaco Canyon - Exploratorium
Pueblo Bonito is the largest and most fully excavated of the great houses at Chaco Canyon. Its D-shaped plan rose four or five stories high and enclosed almost seven hundred rooms and thirty-five kivas . See the movement of shadow on the North/South wall. Pueblo Bonito is bisected by a prominent wall that is precisely aligned with true north.
gallery of southwestern lands: Pueblo Bonito background …
Pueblo Bonito is the largest of the Great Houses in Chaco Canyon. It was constructed in four phases starting at about 900 and ending by about 1115. This pueblo still stands four stories high at the back, once had a fifth level, and contained between six …
Development of Ancestral Puebloans and their architecture
2016年9月10日 · The greatest was Pueblo Bonito, built in stages between 850 and 1150 CE. The buildings were several stories high, and the lower levels had thicker walls which shows that the higher levels were planned when the first story was built. The area provided plenty of sandstone and the Chacoans were master masons.