Ancient Symbols
We love the beauty, meanings, and significance of many of the world’s most ancient symbols. As you can see on our menus, we have a wide range of symbols categorized by subjects and a specific symbols library that extends the information of specific symbols. From Ancient Egyptian symbols to Native American symbols to Greek Symbols and
Religious Symbols - Ancient Symbols
The use of the Alpha and Omega symbols of eternity has been traced to early Christianity, and the symbol has been found in the ancient Roman catacombs. The Alpha and Omega are sometimes combined with other Christian symbols, such as the Cross and Chi-rho.
Symbols Influence on History - Ancient Symbols
Below are some of the most iconic symbols used throughout history and how they influenced the world. The Christian fish Christians started using this symbol during the first three centuries after Christ.
Masonic Symbols - Ancient Symbols
Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world with Masonic Symbols as an important part of the organization.
Peace Symbols
The anti-nuclear emblem or the peace sign is one of the most widely known symbols in the world. It was invented at the request of Lord Bertrand Russel, head of the British ‘campaign for nuclear disarmament’ or CDN and sponsor of mass marches and sit-downs in London.
Good Luck Symbols - Ancient Symbols
There are many signs and symbols from around the world that are seen as Good Luck Symbols. Others are thought to bring good fortune to the people that possess them. Some believe these symbols can grant wishes or even heal the sick. There are also several symbols for …
Ancient Persian Symbols - Ancient Symbols
Ancient Persian symbols have always been magnificent and mystic. These symbols are not only visible dominantly in the ancient lithographic scriptures but have carried on their legacy in the present times as well.
World Triad Symbol - Ancient Symbols
Originally, the World Triad was an oriental symbol, but the western Gnostics adopted it as an emblem denoting the three-fold nature of fate and reality. It represents cosmic creativity and stands for the cycles of time that keep spiraling endlessly.
Flower Symbols - Ancient Symbols
Roses have been symbolic around the world for a long time. The Goddess Aphrodite was associated with roses in ancient Greece. Aphrodite used the oil of the rose to protect the body of Hector, a Trojan prince.
Magic Symbols
Magic symbols can be found all over the world. The earliest known grimoire, or magical text, was found in Mesopotamia and was dated between the 5th and 4th centuries BC. Some individual magical symbols date back as early as 10,000 BC. There are magical symbols in both Eastern and Western cultures.