books for katana | Martial Arts Planet
2004年4月14日 · I'd personally wait until you can find a club you can easily get to. Otherwise you'll have to break down all the bad habits you teach yourself by mistake.
'Essential batto & Kenjutsu: Killing Arts Of the Japanese Sword'
2012年11月4日 · This is our dilemna, neither my sensei nor I ever asked Brian Wrightson about our history thoroughly enough before his passing. Though im aware he...
Kenjutsu in London | Page 3 | Martial Arts Planet
2015年12月5日 · Yes, I know that studying Koryu Bujutsu is basically a lifelong activity, but I was wondering what I can achieve during 2 years of training and gathering knowledge.
aikido/hapkido | Martial Arts Planet
2003年10月24日 · Aikido came from a combination of the Japanese Martial Arts Daito Ryu Aiki Ju Jutsu and Kenjutsu (Sword Art). Generalising, it is less overtly aggressive in its technical base than Aiki Ju Jutsu and seeks to recognise the Fundamental Humanity of your attacker by twisting them into Origami Shapes.
Does anyone study ninjutsu? | Martial Arts Planet
2009年12月14日 · Hi everyone, I'm curious, is there anyone on this forum, or does anyone on this forum know of anyone that studies ninjutsu in full?? I know we...
15 year old girl teaching? | Martial Arts Planet
2010年10月6日 · Is it traditional kenjutsu or XMA sword tricking stuff? I do find it interesting that they feel it necessary to list her measurements but not her age It says "in the last eight years she's done this" but it doesn't necessarily mean she's only been training eight years, she could have done a few years of more "boring" traditional martial arts before that, and only been …
Tameshigiri Practice in Ninjutsu | Page 2 | Martial Arts Planet
2007年5月7日 · Why on Earth are people not learning tameshigiri from a qualified instructor, as part of a comprehensive and structured kenjutsu ryu-ha? Why the need to figure things out on their own or via message forums? I can't imagine the Katori Shinto Ryu students having to figure things out like this on their own.
Sekai Dentokan Bugei Renmei. | Martial Arts Planet
2012年1月10日 · Is Dentokan a legitimate system as far as lineage goes?im aware its not a koryu system but does anyone here train in it or know anyone that does.i would like to train a traditional jujutsu or kenjutsu but unfortunately there is very limited access in my city.im aware they teach some sort of jujitsu and iaido.
Different Sword MAs | Martial Arts Planet
2009年1月27日 · I am vary interested in Eastern Sword training and wanted to know the some novice advice on it such as; 1) Iaido is based on a single strike while...
The Duty of the "Teki" in Kata-geiko | Martial Arts Planet
2015年1月20日 · Some reasons for the differences are cultural or historical, others are educational. More often than not, the teki in koryū is the instructor or a senior, whereas the ware is the student. In kenjutsu kata, the teki dictates the maai (distance), hyōshi (timing) & chōshi (rhythm) of the kata depending upon the skill level of the ware.