Male Reproductive System | histology - University of Michigan
Recognize the various parts of the male reproductive tract in histological sections (seminiferous tubules, rete testis, efferent ducts, epididymis, ductus/vas deferens), and explain their contributions in the production of semen and during ejaculation.
Histology of the Testis, Epididymis and Spermatogenesis
microscopic anatomy (histology) of the testis, epididymis, scrotum and spermatogenesis, from the online textbook of urology by D. Manski
Functional Anatomy and Histology of the Testis
2017年8月30日 · The human testis is a paired endocrine and exocrine organ producing sex steroid hormones and mature haploid sperm. The latter are transported into the epididymis for further maturation and storage. Especially the endocrine function requires a …
Testis | Male Reproductive System - Histology Guide
Histology of the testis - seminiferous tubules, Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids, sperm, and Leydig cells.
Male Reproductive System | histology - University of Michigan
Testis, immature human, H&E, 40X (testis, seminiferous tubules with only early germ cells and poorly developed Sertoli cells, small Leydig cells). Virtual Slide ImageScope
Male reproductive: The Histology Guide - University of Leeds
The pair of testes produces spermatozoa and androgens. Several accessory glands produce the fluid constituents of semen. Long ducts store the sperm and transport them to the penis. The male reproductive system consists of paired testes and genital ducts, accessory sex glands and the penis. The testes and ducts are shown in this diagram.
Testis and Epididymis – Normal Histology - NUS Pathweb
Back to Normal Histology. Urogenital Pathology. Home; Normal Histology; Testis and Epididymis – Normal Histology; NUS Pathweb. Department of Pathology National University Hospital Main Building, Level 3 5 Lower Kent Ridge Road Singapore 119074 Contact us Feedback to us
Duke Histology - Male Reproductive System - Duke University
The goal of this lab is to examine the histology of the principal parts of the male reproductive tract. Use Junquiera's or Wheater's texts and the diagram (below) as guides. Understand the functional correlates of the architecture you observe, and be able to distinguish each of the components.
Testis overview 1 - Digital Histology
The testis is both an exocrine (producing spermatozoa) and an endocrine (producing androgens) gland. This immature testis, cut in cross section, provides an overview of the testis proper, its enclosing tunics, and its location in the scrotum. Also seen are the epididymis and the ductus deferens lying posterior to the testis. Immature testis 10x
Histology of the male reproductive system - Kenhub
2024年1月24日 · The testes (sing. testis) are the male gonads that lie within the scrotum. They reside within a connective tissue layer known as the tunica albuginea and tunica vaginalis which are further enveloped by the layers of the spermatic cord .