Groninger Museum
The Groninger Museum is the museum for art, design and art history in Groningen, with exhibitions on painting, design, photography, fashion, installations, applied art, heritage and archeology.
Exhibitions - Groninger Museum
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Plan your visit - Groninger Museum
2011年4月18日 · Visiting the Groninger Museum is a unique experience. Find all the information you need to make your visit as pleasant as possible.
Building - Groninger Museum
The Groninger Museum reopend in 1994. Right from the outset, it was certain that the new Groninger Museum would be designed by several architects. Alessandro Mendini chose designers and architects for this purpose: Philipe Starck, Michele de …
Collection of the Groninger Museum
The Groninger Museum’s collection is fascinatingly varied. Get acquainted with suffragette Aletta Jacobs through a portrait painted by Isaac Israëls, discover the expressionism of Groningen’s De Ploeg artists, and be surprised by the striking designs of the Memphis group.
Groninger Museum
Het museum voor kunst en kunstgeschiedenis in Groningen: schilderkunst, ontwerp, fotografie, mode, installaties, toegepaste kunst en archeologie. Over het museum Nieuws
Groninger Museum
The Groninger Museum celebrates its 150th birthday this year - high time to celebrate! And there's no better way to do this than at the Groninger Museum Night. Come along and enjoy performances such as ZOZY or the Lange Mannen Met Haast, in addition to our exhibitions.
Van Gogh | Groninger Museum
In January 2020 the Singer Laren Museum borrows the painting from the Groninger Museum. On the night of 29 March 2020, a thief forces his way into the museum. He smashes the glass doors with a sledgehammer, runs inside, and pulls The Spring Garden off the wall.
Van Gogh at the Groninger Museum in 2024
Not many people know it, but the Groninger Museum hosted one of the biggest ever Vincent Van Gogh exhibitions more than a century ago. Next year’s How Van Gogh Came to Groningen will tell the story of the determined Groningers and enterprising students who brought modern art to the northern Netherlands in the 1890s.
Audio guide - Groninger Museum
Listen to wonderful background stories and learn more about the different exhibitions and the museum building with the free audio guide.