How can Jesus be both God and God’s son? | Questions & Answers
It is said that Jesus is God’s son, yet it is also said that Jesus is God. How can one being be both the father and son of iself. And how did God have a human son, or a son that could be seen by humans and interact with humans.
Are the holy ghost, God and Jesus One? | Questions & Answers
Christians still want to maintain that there is one God which was a key notion of God in both the Old Testament [“The Lord our God, the Lord is one” - Deut 6:4] and the New Testament [”... for us there is but one God” - 1 Cor 8:6]. But with the coming of Jesus, this forced Christians to extend their thinking on just what God was like.
What is the relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Jesus Christ, God the Son, is in you by His Spirit, and God the Father is in you by His Spirit. The same Spirit, but again, Jesus is not the Father. By the way, that was why the Old Testament prophets could say “The LORD says”: because God lived in them and spoke through them.
Why do we only believe in one God? | Questions & Answers
In addition, Jesus teaching about himself and the Holy Spirit [John 14:26; 15:26] demonstrated that God is one God, but three different persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit [c.f. Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14]. This concept of “one God in three persons” or Trinity was a great difficulty for the early church.
How did the people who wrote the bible know what to say? - God
We speak of Scripture being ‘God-breathed’ (2 Timothy 3:16), as being God’s Word. The writers of the Bible often referred back to older books within it as being God’s words - and most importantly, Jesus himself described the Bible in this way.
How can God fairly judge those who do not get a chance to hear …
Jesus’ death on the cross paid for the sins (our deliberate ignorance of God and the wrong things we do) of all that choose to follow him. Jesus experiences God’s judgement instead of us and was declared as guilty when he died on the cross.
Christianity.net.au - God Makes Sense
The central claim of Christianity is that God has come into the world so that we can be certain of who he is. The life of Jesus Christ offers a unique, public signpost to God. He is the intersection between our world and God's. By looking at his life "his teachings, healings, death and rising to life" we can discover who God is and what he is like.
How do I know when God is drawing me to himself?
This is what Jesus says about his death, ‘And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself’. (John 12:32) Jesus was lifted up on the cross so that ALL people would be drawn back to God. Once again we see God’s desire that all people have a relationship with Him.
Where is Jesus now? | Questions & Answers - God
Where is Jesus today? I know about his Spirit being ‘present’. But I’m wondering where the 2nd person of the Trinity went after he ascended in a physical body up into ‘the heavens’. I guess my question partly relates to whether ‘heaven’ is physically present or merely ‘spiritually present’. Feel free to refer me to some other website since this isn’t an evangelsitic query.
How do I explain the gospel to someone who doesn’t know about …
Get them to read the bible The bible is the source of all our knowledge of God and is the tool that is used by the Spirit of God to convince people. Most people thn they knw what the bible says but few have actually read it.