Testarossa to 512TR - differences? - FerrariChat
2010年12月13日 · In other respects, the 512 changes do give the car a more modern feel. The seats are more 'bucket' and less prone to sliding you around in corners. The Testarossa had a spare tire, lacking in the 512, but as the tire only fits either front or back, but not both, it was always going to be a hit or miss affair if a blowout occurred.
512 TR starter issue | FerrariChat
2008年8月7日 · DIY: Fix a Ferrari Testarossa / 512 TR Hot Start Problem - SteveJenkins.com . 335s Formula Junior. Jan 17 ...
Testarossa vs 512 M vs 512 TR - FerrariChat
2007年11月21日 · There is a HUGE amount of difference under the skin between a TR and a 512, it's not just more power, it's far better brakes and much better handling. The TR's removable subframe was ditched, the suspension changed, steering rack changed, the car has less weight. The mods go on and on. A TR drives (and stops!) like a 1980's Impala compared to ...
512 TR Values - FerrariChat
2024年4月11日 · I have a TR and am intimately familiar with the 512. I have gone back and forth. There are some aspects of both I like. While power, handling and brakes are better in the 512. The TR to me is a much better looking car and interior quality is higher. I have no use for all the cheap plastic in the 512. The TR interior is more hand made and looks it.
Testarossa VS Testarossa 512 TR - FerrariChat
2021年4月20日 · Testarossa VS Testarossa 512 TR Discussion in ' Boxers/TR/M ' started by oo7ml , Apr 20, 2021 . This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, Skimlinks, and others.
Testarossa and 512 TR Original Colors/Names - FerrariChat
2009年9月14日 · Question: How many colors did the Testarossa and 512 come in from the factory? If someone could post up the number of colors and a breakdown that'd be great, or at least a link to a site with color names, etc. I've searched the Boxers/TR/M forum with keywords like "paint", "color", "codes" and haven't found anything this specific. Cheers!
Power steering 512 tr - FerrariChat
2020年11月22日 · I just installed EZ-power steering in my 512 tr! It makes the car feel 400 lbs lighter. Quite easy to do, it is a well engineered kit. Did most of the electrical work myself, and got a limber young guy to crawl under the dash. It took him 3 hrs to install the unit its self, and I had 6 hrs in the electrical. It take 15 years off the age of the car.
Testarossa to 512TR - differences? | Page 2 - FerrariChat
2010年12月13日 · ferrari 512 tr F1 Rookie. Nov 16, 2008 4,179 Australia Full Name: Paolo #39 ferrari 512 tr, Dec 21, 2010 ...
512TR front head and foglights - FerrariChat
2010年9月10日 · 1992 FERRARI 512 TR Low beam headlamp 9006 9006SU SilverStar Ultra: The brightest and whitest light. Up to 50% brighter, up to 40% more downroad visibility and up to 50% more sideroad visibility. 9006ST Silverstar: The brighter and whiter light. Up to 35% brighter, up to 30% more downroad visibility and up to 35% more sideroad visibility.
512BB, TR, 512TR, F512M Transmission Parts - FerrariChat
2018年6月18日 · Gear ratios are standard 512 TR : 1st 12 : 35 = 2.916 2nd 17 : 32 = 1.882 3rd 19 : 27 = 1.421 4th 23 : 25 = 1.087 5th 27 : 32 = 0.815 RM 14 : 34 = 2.428 I also installed a new Limited Slip Differential replacement.