Christmas Magic Items - Free Holiday Themed Magic Items - Rune …
Use these free Christmas DnD magic items as rewards in your adventures! This item pack includes DnD 5e magic items in an easy to share card format. There are 12 in total. Included are digital files for each item, a printable card file, and a dungeon master cheat sheet to see all the item descriptions next to each other.
8 D&D Holiday Magic Items – Magic Items for Christmas One Shots
2022年12月15日 · Reward your players with these fun unique Christmas / Holiday themed magic items for your D&D game. Candy Cane Staff, Icicle Wand, Snow Globe
Would it be a stretch to flavor a quarter staff as a cane that ... - Reddit
2021年3月21日 · A quarterstaff is a one or two handed blunt wooden weapon. This approach is also used to explain why a katana would be treated as identical to a longsword. D&D goes for the simplified approach.
Magic items for Christmas “Fun-shots” - D&D Beyond
2022年12月24日 · Sharpened Candy Cane functions as a +1 dagger, but on a hit, target must make a DC 18 Dex or have damage halved until the start of your next turn. In addition, target may make one action, one bonus action, OR one reaction, but only one of these on their turn.
Help with Candy Themed Magic Items : r/DnD - Reddit
2020年11月13日 · A stretchy staff that acts as a +1 magical quarterstaff and comes with 10 charges and gets 2d4+1 every morning. The staff can be used to cast Thornwhip as per the cantrip, stretching the gummy staff out to smack and stick to an enemy to pull in.
[3.5] Flavorful Staff for a Wizard - Giant in the Playground Forums
2009年8月21日 · A +1 quarterstaff is 2000gp; adding a cantrip to it as a command-word-activated, unlimited-use ability is 900gp, or 1350gp as they're multiple abilities being added to an existing item. You could restrict these extra abilities to arcane casters only to discount them by 30%.
d100 weird Christmas themed magic items to come out of a sack!
2020年12月8日 · A +1 Quarterstaff of frost - A quarterstaff that looks like a giant candy cane. Once per short rest on a successful attack the target of the attack takes an additional 1d6 cold damage and must pass a constitution check or be frozen on the spot until the end of …
Our last workshop of the year was... - Ironwood Sword School
Our last workshop of the year was more than a little jolly! "The Art of Elf Defense" covered (candy) cane techniques from bartitsu, la canne, hapkido, Canadian parlor quarterstaff, and military...
D&D5e Christmas-Themed Magic Items to Gift Your Players
2019年12月17日 · The staff is made to look like an oversized candy cane. While holding the staff, you can spend an action to expend 1 of the 9 charges to give 500ft of flying speed to a willing creature. For 12 hours, the target gains 2 extra points of Strength and can only use its action to Dash or to revert the effects.
Staff of Power - Magic Items - D&D Beyond
This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you gain a +2 bonus to Armor Class, saving throws, and spell attack rolls. The staff has 20 charges for the following properties. The staff regains 2d8 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn.