Homepage | Boston University
Boston University is a leading private research institution with two primary campuses in the heart of Boston and programs around the world.
Boston University's Office of Admissions Website | Admissions
Want to study at a globally recognized university? Ready to challenge yourself and take your education to a whole new level? Take the next steps to make it happen.
About BU - Boston University
Boston University is a leading private research institution with two primary campuses in the heart of Boston and programs around the world.
Schools & Colleges » Academics - Boston University
Pick your odyssey. Explore BU’s 300+ programs of study, check out courses, or find student resources and University policies.
Admissions Overview - Boston University
Boston University is a leading private research institution with two primary campuses in the heart of Boston and programs around the world.
Top 10 Reasons to Choose BU | Admissions - Boston University
Because we’re right in Boston, you have a wealth of opportunities to consider in your field of study or area of special interest. But why stop at Boston? We’ve also sent students across the country and around the world for internships and more.
Degree Programs » Academics - Boston University
Degree Programs. A is for anthropology, B is for biochemistry… A–Z, we’ve got it covered. Search BU’s programs by subject for degrees and courses of study in your area of interest.
Boston University Freshmen Applicant Information | Admissions
Boston University is test optional for first-year applicants applying through fall 2028 and spring 2029. This policy applies to all undergraduate schools and colleges at Boston University as well as all scholarship programs.
Academics - Boston University
Pick your odyssey. Explore BU’s 300+ programs of study, check out courses, or find student resources and University policies.
How to Apply to Boston University | Admissions
If you have completed at least one semester as a degree candidate at another college or university, apply as a Transfer Applicant. And if you’ve already decided BU is your first choice among schools, apply as an Early Decision Applicant.