Amun - Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · Amun was the omnipresent Egyptian god whose true name was too powerful to be known. Rising to prominence relatively late in Egyptian lore, he was merged with the sun …
Ptah – Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · Ptah was the Egyptian god of craftsmen and the arts, patron of artists and metalworkers. The divine sculptor who shaped humanity out of mud and clay, his words were …
Ra - Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · Shu was the god of the air, while Tefnut was the goddess of mists. As the god of kings and order, Ra had a special connection to maat, a key mythological concept. Maat …
Thoth – Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · Thoth was the vitally important Egyptian god of the moon, medicine, science, wisdom, and magic. Depicted with the head of an ibis, he invented writing, was the divine …
Egyptian Gods - Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · Egyptian gods and goddesses were incarnations of both natural phenomena, such as the sun, and social phenomena, like knowledge. Egypt itself was ruled by a pharaoh …
Anubis - Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · Early on in Egyptian history, Anubis was worshiped as a god of the dead. After Osiris rose to prominence, Anubis’s role changed. He became a god of embalming and …
Egyptian God Names - Mythopedia
Egyptian god names: Origin, structure, and meaning. Travel through the centuries and arrive in the world of Egyptian gods, where a non-traditional pantheon and an emphasis on life after …
Hathor – Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · The Egyptian creation myth centered around a creator god (usually Ra, but possibly Ptah, Atum, or Amun, depending on the tale) who brought the world into being by …
Horus – Mythopedia
2022年11月29日 · Horus was the falcon-headed Egyptian god of sun, sky, and kingship. Appearing in many manifestations over thousands of years, his best-known role is as the son …
Mythopedia – Encyclopedia of Mythology
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