Flag of Japan - Wikipedia
The national flag of Japan is a rectangular white banner with a crimson-red circle at its center. The flag is officially called the Nisshōki (日章旗, 'flag of the sun') but is more commonly known in Japan as the Hinomaru (日の丸, 'ball of the sun'). It embodies …
Flag of Japan | Design, Colors & Meaning | Britannica
1999年8月13日 · national flag consisting of a white field bearing a central red disk (a stylized sun). The flag has a width-to-length ratio of 2 to 3. According to tradition, the sun goddess Amaterasu founded Japan in the 7th century bc and was an ancestor of the first of its emperors, Jimmu.
日本国旗 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
日本国旗 为一面白色 长方形 旗帜,旗帜中心为一个红色 圆形 代表 太阳。 其正式名称为 日章旗 (日语: 日章旗 Nisshōki) [1],在日本国内常以“ 日之丸 ”(日语: 日の丸 Hinomaru)稱之,中文地区常称之为“太陽旗”。 日本國旗也是該國名號“旭日之國”的體現。 1999年8月13日,《国旗国歌法》公布施行,将“日之丸”和“君之代”分別正式定为日本的国旗及国歌,同時也調整了國旗製作的規格 [1]。 儘管之前并沒有明確立法日本國旗為何,但與公衆及各類國際場合之間,日章旗就 …
National Flag and Anthem of Japan | The Government of Japan
The Rising Sun Flag and "Kimi Ga Yo" are respectively the national flag and anthem of Japan. This was formalized in 1999 with the Law regarding the National Flag and National Anthem.
日本国国旗 - 百度百科
日本国国旗的旗面是白色的,正中央有一轮红日;白色象征正直和纯洁,红色象征真诚和热忱;在日本的神话传说中,日本是“日出之国”,是太阳神天照大御神所创造的国家,天皇是天照大御神的儿子;日本国民自古以来便崇拜太阳神 [4]。 日本国国旗被称为“日章旗”,其名称来源于日语“日之丸”(hinomaru)一词,字面意思是“太阳圆轮”。 日本国民族自古以来就对太阳这一光辉形象情有独钟,对“太阳”的图案怀有特殊的感情。 他们把神话中的女神—「天照大神」(あまてらすおお …
All You Need to Know About the Japanese Flag - tsunagu Japan
2021年4月9日 · Have you ever been curious about the origins of the Japanese flag? Where did the flag's simple, yet striking design come from? And why the sun on the Japanese national flag? In this article, we explain not only why the
National Flag & National Anthem - Cabinet Office Home Page
Japanese version English version Regarding the national flag and national anthem, in August 1999 the Law Regarding the National Flag and National Anthem was passed, and the rising sun flag and " Kimi ga Yo " respectively became the national flag and anthem.
National Flag of Japan | Culture Guide - Japan City Tour
The national flag of Japan is officially called ‘Nisshoki’, which means ‘Flag of the Sun symbol’. Although colloquially it is known as ‘Hinomaru’ which means ‘Circle of the Sun’. It is the most important symbol of Japan.
The Hinomaru: Japan's National Flag and Its Symbolism
The Hinomaru (日の丸), meaning "circle of the sun", is the national flag of Japan. It features a vivid red circle centered on a white background, symbolizing Japan as the "Land of the Rising Sun". The striking simplicity of the design belies the flag's rich history and cultural significance that have shaped Japanese identity for centuries.
National Flag and National Anthem of Japan / JapanGov - The …
The Rising Sun Flag and " Kimi Ga Yo " are respectively the national flag and anthem of Japan. This was formalized in 1999 with the Law Regarding the National Flag and National Anthem. Nisshoki (The rising sun flag. Also known as Hinomaru) . National Flag and National Anthem. Official Website of The Government of Japan - JapanGov -