Two of LSU’s Tiger mascots (Mike 1 and Mike III) lived 19 years, Mike IV lived 20 years 9 months and 18 days, and Mike V lived 17 years. The average lifespan for a tiger in the wild is about 8 …
Mike the Tiger is the only live tiger living on a college campus in the U.S. The Tiger Habitat is located on North Stadium Drive in Baton Rouge; the habitat sits between the Bernie Moore …
Mike the Tiger. Whether you’re a life-long LSU fan or you simply had a personal encounter with Mike, it’s easy to understand the magnetism of this proud tiger. From helping bring home …
Mike VII, who has both Siberian and Bengal characteristics, was donated to LSU from a sanctuary in Okeechobee, Fla., called “Wild at Heart Wildlife Center.” He was introduced to the LSU …
In 1934, Athletic Department trainer Chellis “Mike” Chambers, Athletic Director T. P. Heard, Swimming Pool Manager and Intramural Swimming Coach William G. “Hickey” Higginbotham, …
For 80 years, LSU has had the privilege of having a live tiger mascot on its campus, and Mike VII, LSU’s current live mascot, is the only live tiger living on a college campus in the United States. …
Mike the Tiger: A Roaring History Mike the First is the original mascot of LSU and he ruled the campus for over 20 years. This is also the legendary Mike who was kidnapped before a …
He is the only live tiger living on a college campus in the U.S. The Louisiana State University tiger mascot, Mike VI, was born July 23, 2005, and came to LSU when he was two years old. At the …
The second Mike II reigned at LSU for only one season. He died at the Audubon Zoo on May 15, 1958, of complications associated with multiple fractures to his left rear leg (it was not known …