In Situ Burning | response.restoration.noaa.gov - National …
2019年2月8日 · In situ burning involves the controlled burning of oil that has spilled from a vessel or a facility, at the location of the spill. When conducted properly, in situ burning significantly …
In-situ burning of oil may offer a logistically simple, rapid, inexpensive, and relatively safe means for reducing the net environmental impact of an oil spill. Because a large portion of the oil is …
The main advantage of in-situ burning is the ability to quickly remove large amounts of oil from the marine environment. While it is not the answer to every oil spill problem, in some offshore spill …
Under favorable conditions in-situ burning is a fast, efficient, and relatively simple way of removing spilled oil from the water. Furthermore, it greatly reduces the need for storage and disposal of …
Introduction/Overview to In Situ Burning of Oil Spills
2003年8月1日 · In situ burning is an oil spill response technique or tool that involves the controlled ignition and burning of the oil at or near the spill site on the surface of the water or in a marsh …
In-Situ Burning - ITOPF
In-situ burning is the term given to the process of burning floating oil at sea, at or close to the site of a spill. In order to undertake burning, the oil must be concentrated and an ignition source …
In-situ burning is now recognized as a viable alternative for cleaning up oil spills on land and water. When performed under the right conditions, in-situ burning can rapidly reduce the …
Controlled in-situ burning of spilled oil - Ipieca
2016年10月20日 · In-situ burning (ISB) is the controlled combustion or burning of hydrocarbon vapours from spilled oil. ISB can rapidly remove oil from a land, snow, ice or water surface, …
In Situ Burning of Oil Spills - PMC - PubMed Central (PMC)
The better understanding of oil spill burning and the consequences produced by the NIST research enabled guidelines to be established whereby in situ burning is now considered to be …
In-situ Burning - oilspillprevention.org
Burning can eliminate large volumes of oil quickly and effectively; however, it also burns off plant life and leaves residue that can adversely affect the ecosystem. Special fire-resistant booms …