Bill Tweit - Special Assistant - Washington Department of Fish …
Special Assistant at Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife · Experience: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife · Location: Olympia · 224 connections on LinkedIn. View Bill Tweit’s...
- 职位: Special Assistant at …
- 位置: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
- 人脉数: 224
Council Members - North Pacific Fishery Management Council
Mr. Bill Tweit has been the Washington State representative on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council since 2005, and the vice-chair since April 2015. He is a Special Assistant to the Director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Bill Tweit - EM4Fish
Bill represents Washington state on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council and serves as chair of two Council groups that are instrumental in developing electronic monitoring techniques for accounting for catch and bycatch: the Electronic Monitoring Working Group and the Observer Advisory Committee.
WDFW seeks advisers for international groundfish panel
2020年6月19日 · Bill Tweit, a special assistant with WDFW, said the department and the governor seek a diverse range of expertise among the five members of the Washington section of the advisory panel, including from such sectors as the groundfish and crab harvesting and processing industries, the environmental community, and marine affairs specialists.
2018年10月10日 · Three primary objectives: orderly fisheries, conservation and recovery, and economic well-being and stability of sport and commercial fisheries. In recognizing uncertainty, the policy was to depend on continued economic and …
WDFW seeks advisers for international groundfish panel | Washington …
2008年10月16日 · Bill Tweit, WDFW distant waters policy lead, said WDFW and the Governor seek a diverse range of expertise among the five members of the Washington section of the advisory panel, including representatives from the environmental community, the harvester and processing sector, and marine affairs specialists.
Birds of Washington: Status and Distribution - amazon.com
2005年4月1日 · Bill Tweit is a program manager at the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, a member of the Washington Bird Records Committee, and a regional editor of Field Notes. He lives in Olympia, Washington.
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My name is Bill Tweit. I represent Director Phil Anderson on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC), and it is in that capacity that I provide our testimony to you
Bill Tweit, Chair, shared information about PNWER 2014 Annual Summit Meeting, held on July 20 – 24 in Whistler, British Columbia. Washington State was represented by Wendy Brown, Mike Mackey and Senator Jim Honeyford. There were two breakout sessions with a focus on invasive species in the Pacific Northwest region.
Bill Tweit Email & Phone Number | Special Assistant at Washington ...
Mr. Bill Tweit has been the Washington State representative on the North Pacific Fishery Management Council since 2005, and the vice-chair since Ap ril 2015. He is a Special Assistant to the Director of the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.