安大略省教师养老金管理局(Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board)近期披露了一项涉及Viasat Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT )的重大交易。2025年2月10日,该养老金计划以每股9美元的价格出售了375万股Viasat普通股,交易总额约为3,375万美元。目前Viasat市值为11.6亿美元,市净率仅为0.24。根据 InvestingPro ...
The head of the World Health Organization says a pause imposed on foreign aid by the Trump administration is having a serious ...
"How can the stream be so clear? - It is because of the fresh water from its source (问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来)." The documentary about Sanming, Fujian, by the Turkish sinologist Giray Fidan entitled How can th ...
"How can the stream be so clear? - It is because of the fresh water from its source (问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来)." The documentary about Sanming, Fujian, by the Turkish ...
Investing.com -- ViaSat Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT )股价暴跌19%,此前该公司三大投资者安大略省教师退休基金会 (Ontario Teachers)、加拿大养老基金投资公司 (CPP)和Triton Luxtopholding向美国证券交易委员会 (SEC)提交了144表格,表明他们计划出售大量股份。
Foreign teachers and students in east China's Fujian Province immersed themselves in the region's vibrant culture, including folk performances and traditional cuisine. They also praised China's ...
YCIS Shanghai warmly invites prospective parents to join their upcoming Open Days... You will have the opportunity to explore the school's rich history and extensive global network, understand their u ...
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蛇年教育科技领域第一笔大额融资!来源|多知作者|王上2月5日,MagicSchool 创始人兼首席执行官阿迪尔·汗(Adeel Khan)在X平台上宣布,MagicSchool 已经完成4500万美元(约合3.28亿元)B轮融资。由 Valor ...
Ahmed mohamed Saleh eats dumplings to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year at Tianjin Foreign Studies University in north ...
• 搞“特殊化”现象在职场中长期存在。在恢复强制坐班政策以来,美国好多公司又搞起了特殊化。一些企业对骨干爱将不来坐班睁一只眼闭一只眼,但这有可能形成“有毒”的工作环境。