2月28日,联合国难民署新任驻华代表穆索菲(Sophie Muller)向中国外交部递交了任命函,正式履新。 穆索菲表示,她非常珍视这一机会,并期待与中国开展合作。 她说道:“我很荣幸能够代表联合国难民署驻华工作,并推动与中国政府、企业界及公众的合作 ...
Without global support, millions of Syrian refugees and displaced persons will see their dream of return ruined, warns Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
There are two UN Conventions on Statelessness. They seek to protect people who are currently stateless and prevent and end statelessness globally. Countries decide who their nationals are, setting ...
Syrian refugee Nour Jarrouj calls on the international community to support the efforts of forcibly displaced Syrian women in shaping their nation's future.
Millions of people around the world are denied the right to a nationality, leaving them stateless. As a result, they may be unable to access other basic rights and services, such as being able to go ...
The New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants is a milestone for global solidarity and refugee protection at a time of unprecedented displacement across the world. Adopted by all 193 Member ...
Today, more than 60 million women and girls remain forcibly displaced or stateless across the globe. After having fled conflict, violence and human rights abuses, many continue to live on the ...
UNHCR uses cash transfers to provide protection, assistance and services to vulnerable displaced persons. This allows them to meet their most pressing needs, build and support livelihoods, and ...
108.4 million people worldwide are forcibly displaced. レバノンで、シリアで、いま支援が必要です。 地域の安定化に国際社会の注目が集まるなか、レバノン、シリア両国では依然として予断を許さない状況が続いており、多くの人々が支援を必要としています。 紛争で ...
Up to 1 million internally displaced people (IDPs) living in camps and displacement sites across north-west Syria intend to return to their areas of origin within the next year, 600,000 of them in the ...
Tackling sexual exploitation and abuse against the people we serve, together with sexual harassment in the workplace, is a top priority for UNHCR. With some 18,000 personnel based primarily in field ...