坦桑尼亚生态系统恢复效果的前后对比图片。通过挖堤,土壤中的水位得到了恢复,使树木和草地重新生长 (Just Diggit: 2018-2021年) 我们必须恢复生态系统,从而对抗气候变化,拯救濒危物种,保障我们的未来。 我们需要在2030年前将温室气体排放量减少近一半 ...
We promote sustainable, low-emission transport and work to reduce the sector’s contribution to air pollution and climate change.
As the sun rises over the hills of Kigali, taxi driver Imigambi Jouyese powers up her bright red electric motorcycle. The ...
The switch to energy-efficient motors would help Türkiye to meet its commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2053. Blake ...
Oleg Zaitsev strides across a factory floor in Almaty, Kazakhstan as a row of workers sort through old circuit boards and ...
A pioneering new initiative seeks to enhance understanding of mercury trade dynamics in Latin America and foster regional ...
regularly reviews the implementation of the outcomes of the UN Environment Assembly. guides the development of the programme of work and budget and monitors its implementation. provides oversight ...
Bogotá, 11 de marzo de 2025 – Una novedosa iniciativa busca mejorar la forma cómo se aborda el comercio de mercurio en ...
On the grounds of a UNEP study, authorities in Pakistan’s Punjab Province revised the Punjab Environmental Act 1997 to reduce ...
The Foresight Briefs provide guidance and inspiration for policy and action, by exploring a range of plausible, alternative futures and their implications. They help to identify emerging environmental ...
Un proyecto respaldado por el PNUMA está ayudando a mujeres de Ecuador a Vietnam a ingresar a trabajos en el sector del ...
The Mediterranean is polluted by an estimated 730 tonnes of plastic waste every day. Plastics account for between 95 to 100% of total floating litter, and more than 50% of seabed litter. Single-use ...