I told you about our Town Council (Laytonville Area Municipal Advisory Council meeting on Jan. 22nd where we voted unanimously to support the following proposed actions on our agenda: ...
You may think it’s all in your head because you’re getting older. Maybe you think the world really isn’t getting noisier, louder and filled with more distractions. Maybe you think it’s just your ...
Every so often, it’s time to depart from the examination of some great (and, frequently, not so great) moments in the law to consider shorter excerpts that don’t distill as well into a full story.
The 2021 fictional movie “Don’t Look Up” portrays how humanity responds to the impending disaster of a comet about to impact the Earth. The entrenched status quo declared it ...
The thousands of drivers traversing Interstate 5 on any given day this winter can see for themselves: nothing even remotely like a water shortage currently plagues the State Water Project. This is ...
One year, he used the traditional presidential Super Bowl interview to say that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was “very bad for our country.” The next year, he used the same forum to say ...
Okay everybody, welcome to the Trump II administration. My God, it’s certainly getting off to a bizarre and dystopian start; Trump is not a businessman, much less a politician. The only ...