IT-avdelingen tilbyr TSD til brukere utenfor UiO. Tjenesten som kan bestilles, er den samme sikre og stabile tjenesten som tilbys på UiO.
Studenter som dokumenterer gyldig fravær fra ordinær eksamen, kan ta utsatt eksamen i starten av neste semester. Det tilbys ikke ny eksamen til studenter som har trukket seg under ordinær eksamen, ...
The aim of the course is to make the participants familiar with advanced statistical regression methods applied to clinical research and epidemiology. This will give the participants a better basis ...
This course has joint teaching with ECON9300B – Advanced Macroeconomic Theory. Macroeconomic theory with main emphasis on dynamic general equilibrium models. Mathematical tools for modern dynamic ...
This is a course in basic mathematical and logical methods. Emphasis is placed on understanding and applying mathematical concepts and notation relevant to a study in computer science. The course ...
The course is intended to give a conceptual understanding of the basic techniques available for analysing and interpreting epidemiological data on infectious diseases. The course should provide the ...
This course gives an introduction to commutative rings and their modules. We study concepts such as localization, decomposition of modules, chain conditions for rings and modules, and dimension theory ...
The course aims to give insight into a standard description of the English language and into the relationship between the meaning and the grammatical form of sentences and texts. Frequent comparisons ...
Modul 2 bygger på modul 1 og samlet omfatter de alle basalfagene i medisinstudiet. Modul 2 er delt i to undervisningsblokker; humanbiologi og propedeutikk. Faglig innhold humanbiologi: Anatomi, ...
Emnet tar for seg det antikke Athen som en sentral arena for politiske og intellektuelle innovasjoner, fra arkaisk tid til romersk keisertid (ca. 800 fvt.-200 evt.). Athens egen historie, kultur og ...
The course examines the fundamental dynamics at work in all geophysical systems, from the mantle to the atmosphere. These include time-dependent processes, advection and diffusion. Each process is ...