This guide provides engineers with methods of repairing road haunches by re-using road materials or industrial by-products. The guidance given is based on the in-service performance of re-usable ...
This study aimed to assess the impact of interacting with two infotainment systems, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, on four driver performance measures: reaction time, driving behaviour, eyes-off road ...
Roads in non-built-up areas account for only 9% of all cyclist casualties, but almost one half (45%) of all cyclist deaths. The reasons for this imbalance are examined, paying particular attention to ...
This report describes the results of a project assessing mechanical retexturing techniques. It reports on work carried out by Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London (QMWC) and TRL ...
In England, Local Authorities provide network-level Road Condition Monitoring (RCM) data to the Department for Transport each year, so that the DfT can publish annual official statistics for road ...
Research has shown that phone conversations while driving impair performance. It is difficult to quantify the risk of this impairment because the reference is usually made to normal driving without ...
The National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) comprises behaviour change courses offered to road traffic offenders instead of prosecution. This report presents an evaluation of the majority ...
The most effective forms of traffic calming measure usually involve some degree of vertical deflection. Road humps have proven to be highly effective at reducing vehicle speeds, but discomfort to ...
The off-highway sector encompasses a broad range of industries including mining, quarrying, agriculture, construction, and ports and airports. Automated vehicle technology has become commonplace ...
RAC Foundation (2008) reported the results of a survey of 2,000+ users of Facebook, showing that 45% of UK drivers engage in texting whilst driving. The RAC Foundation commissioned TRL to study the ...
This report is co-authored by leading UK road safety experts from organisations including TRL and leading charities, including Brake, the road safety charity, the Parliamentary Advisory Council for ...
The Transport Research Laboratory was commissioned by the Charging and Local Transport Division of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) to provide guidance to local ...