Shayla’s recommendations include a 1967 British television series that starts out like The Good Place, a “ Page Six –esque ...
Grant reviews have been suspended at the NIH. This could be an omen.
Hitching the evangelical wagon to Donald Trump has meant unhitching it from the life and teachings of Jesus. In his inaugural ...
Earlier this week, he unveiled perhaps the most ambitious infrastructure project in history—and all but dedicated it to Sam ...
My Last Trial
I ’ve been on trial half my life. Yesterday, my 18-year legal drama finally came to an end when the Court of Cassation, Italy ...
The new film Hard Truths is an astonishingly sensitive portrait of a perpetual grump.
First, here are three new stories from The Atlantic ’s Books section: ...
I truly believe that this is God’s grace on our country, giving us another chance to fight and to flourish,” Kirk, the head ...
The response to the January 6 pardons shows that the president faces no effective constraints from within his party.
Tell me, high priestess, are there many undocumented Sikhs laboring in poultry farms and meatpacking plants where you live?
Americans may not actually feel more desolate than they did in the past.
So much political news over the past four years has been astonishing: Joe Biden’s disintegration on a debate stage, Donald ...