They emphasized that amid growing global trade protectionism, the Chinese and EU economies' structural complementarity and the two sides' upholding of free trade provide a solid basis for deeper ...
According to preliminary estimates from the industry, data infrastructure will attract direct investments of approximately 400 billion RMB annually, driving an investment scale of about two trillion ...
China is now a major trade partner to more than 150 countries and regions. Data from the General Administration of Customs show imports and exports reached 43.85 trillion RMB in 2024, increasing by ...
The Year of Snake is full of potential. We look forward to diving deeper into the sci-tech universe and bringing more informative, educational and insightful stories to our dedicated readers, without ...
Beijing has launched a comprehensive action plan to strengthen its position as a world-class science, technology, and innovation (STI) hub by 2027. The initiative, led by the Beijing Municipal Science ...
Four satellites were launched from China's Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in December, 2024, bringing the total number of operational satellites in the country's largest commercial radar remote ...
2月10日10时,中国工程院院士,共和国勋章、国家最高科学技术奖获得者,全国道德模范,中国第一代核潜艇工程总设计师黄旭华同志遗体送别仪式,在武昌殡仪馆天元厅举行。黄旭华院士亲人、朋友、同事,以及社会各界代表前来与他告别,他们手捧鲜花,缓步走向黄老遗像 ...