Gavin Lewis is managing director, head of UK LGPS, at asset manager BlackRock ...
Six new areas are set to become mayoral strategic authorities by next May as part of plans for sweeping changes of the local government map in England.
Councils have called for more funding for trading standards services following an investigation highlighting a “postcode lottery” in enforcement.
Local Government Pension Scheme funds should invest in preventative health measures, according to a think-tank.
Local Government Pension Scheme funds should invest in preventative health measures, according to a think-tank.
Government rules on allocating public investment will change to ensure regions outside London and the south-east are not unfairly overlooked.
The public sector could save £45bn every year just by updating its technology, a new report claims.
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Experienced Section 151 officer Brendan Arnold reflects on the role and tells PF how a Section 114 notice can be an opportunity to tackle cultural, communication and commercial issues.
Bus provision was cut between 2011 and 2023 at a rate 10 times higher in the most deprived areas of... Read more ...
Angela Rayner has been warned plans to create ‘mega councils’ could “take powers away from local communities”.