The mod in question lets players see all of the characters on one account, sparking widespread anxiety across the community.
BitCraft has a brand new showcase focused on roads built by the players who participated in Alpha 3.
Magic: The Gathering is getting a new movie and TV universe thanks to a deal between Wizards of the Coast parent company ...
The  Pax Dei team gives another status update and preview of the upcoming patch. Mainframe details some new market, economic, ...
TemTem is seeing its final major patch that allows players to have an easier time once it goes into what players often call ...
Final Fantasy XIV unveiled what's coming in 7.2, Seekers of Eternity, which will be out in late March. There's also a special ...
Are you afraid of the dark? In Season of Discovery Phase 7, you’ll need to face your fears and go boldly into an all-new ...
Set in an ancient Norse inspired world  that has seen better days, co-op fantasy action RPG Cloudheim blends physics-based combat, base improvements, and meaningful crafting.
World of Warcraft's Cataclysm Classic is gearing up for its next major raid, Hour of Twilight, launching later this month.
Rise of the Fallen now has its Unity 6 upgrade, with some big improvements to lighting, performance, and overall visuals.