This background paper focuses on the potential role that international science and technology ‘foresight-type’ activities might play in informing decision-making processes about innovation, ...
Despite ambitious policies and well-intended programmes, food security and nutrition challenges persist around the world and ...
Where do you shit? In developing countries, the answer may determine whether you live or die. Around 2.6 billion people defecate in the open. The consequences are dire: shit carries disease and is a ...
A new IDS archive Bulletin – Environmental Change, Development Challenges – Revisited – has just been released.
This review of the evidence on sexuality and poverty is undertaken by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) as part of a larger Accountable Grant from the UK Government’s Department for ...
Max Gallien is a political scientist specialising in the politics of informal and illegal economies, the political economy of development and the modern politics of the Middle East and North Africa.
Resilience has, in the past four decades, been a term increasingly employed throughout a number of sciences: psychology and ecology, most prominently. Increasingly one finds it in political science, ...
Our vision is for a more equitable and sustainable world, where people everywhere can live their lives free from poverty and injustice. Collaborate across sciences, sectors and communities to do ...
Discussing the latest ideas shaping development. This podcast series explores ground-breaking ideas in development for positive social and environmental change. Each month we feature an interview with ...
This policy brief summarises what we know about simplified taxes in Africa, who pays them, and why they matter, while highlighting gaps in existing knowledge.
This paper examines the political economy of the agricultural policy processes in Malawi through the lenses of the fertilizer subsidy programme that has raised the profile of the country on the ...