Jennifer Lerner, Harvard Kennedy School Professor and Co-founder of the Harvard Decision Science Laboratory, leads this program in collaboration with other world-renowned Harvard faculty from a ...
ELECTION NIGHT 2022 was historic for the city of Newport News, Virginia. Phillip Jones MPP/MBA 2021 had become the city’s 27th and youngest directly elected mayor at 32 years old. Not only was Jones a ...
November 30, 2020, Paper: "The last generation has witnessed an epochal decline in real interest rates in the United States and around the world despite large buildups of government debt. As Table 1 ...
2015, Video, "Economics from a Historical Perspective(Nathan Nunn(Harvard University, Professor of Economics)): Economist Nathan Nunn will discuss the role that history plays in understanding ...
June 2020, Paper, "Official (government-to-government) lending is much larger than commonly known, often surpassing total private cross-border capital flows, especially during disasters such as wars, ...
May 2020, Paper, "Rising profitability and market valuations of US businesses, sluggish wage growth and a declining labor share of income, and reduced unemployment and inflation, have defined the ...
February 2022, Paper: "We study how the recent run-up in housing and rental prices affects the outlook for inflation in the United States. Housing held down overall inflation in 2021. Despite record ...
January 3, 2022, Interview: "Forecasting economic change in a pandemic was always going to be hard. Now omicron, the new COVID-19 variant sweeping across the globe, has made it even harder. Economists ...
July 1, 2021, Video: "Paul Sheard: Research Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School Naoyuki Yoshino: Professor Emeritus (Economics) of Keio University, Tokyo Jesper Koll: Expert Director, Monex Group and the ...