Our price reports focus on Germany, France, the UK, Italy and Poland.
On the German cartonboard market, EUWID tracks the prices for the main grades: GC board, GD board and grey board. Every month, we conduct a survey of producers, merchants and converters to find out ...
EUWID Pulp and Paper researches and publishes pricing and market-related information and news for a large number of benchmark printing and writing paper, packaging paper, pulp and recovered paper ...
The decor paper market report is published every six weeks and follows the latest developments on the European markets for uni- and print-base papers. In addition to an overview of changes in the ...
Austrian label paper manufacturer Brigl & Bergmeister has announced its intention to implement price increases in Q2 of 2025, driven by the escalating costs of key raw materials, particularly pulp, ...
Norske Skog apparently plans to part ways with its stake in Austria Papier Recycling. A filing made to the Austrian Federal Competition Authority in Vienna showed that Bunzl & Biach, a joint venture ...
Pulp manufacturers have been pushing for price hikes since the start of the year. World's largest bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp producer Suzano is set to tack on $60/t for March in Europe.
British producers of folding cartons import the majority of the cartonboard they convert. The UK has no domestic producers of GD board and only one producer of GC board. With few large converters, the ...