Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has said that the Maheshwar-Janapav Lift Micro Irrigation Project will now be known by the name of Lokmata Devi Ahilyabai Holkar. The Destination Cabinet organised in Mahesh ...
Karpoori Thakur is still most relevant in these times of short term politics where power is all, service to the society has been back seated said the chairman of the St Mariam's school Avinash Dev.
Vidisha police have detained a 25-year-old private school teacher who used to sexually assault students at his tution classes; five students have reported the indecent acts and it is suspected that ...
Raj Bhawan opened for visitors from Friday, will remain open till January 27 on the occasion of Republic Day. As per the instructions of Governor Shri Mangubhai Patel. Exhibition based on the theme ...