This month (or year) over in Macao Windows is falling to new all-time lows, a trend we began seeing around Christmastime after big gains for GNU/Linux last year [ 1, 2 ]. Macao isn't big, but like ...
It was all about Microsoft all along. Canonical just got paid to play along and essentially promote Windows (or tell people to stay with Microsoft and Windows). Canonical sold out. That was nearly a ...
WHEN people publish something about a "webinar", it's usually safe to assume it's a paid-for commercial or company running ads one can attend and watch live. When blogs like the above (a manager, not ...
Don't look at for growth. The estimated number of queries, based on the above survey, fell about three-fold in less than a year. Yes, it used to be estimated at about 1.8 billion, now it's ...
If someone wants to run Arch under Windows, then one can use Free software like VirtualBox and adopt any version of Arch, running more "properly" and not under Microsoft's direct control. Of course ...
This is a subject that we explored before with a focus on Free software. Wars tend to lead to sanctions, which kind of puts Free software in a tough spot, making it the subject of scorn or ...
PEOPLE are being silenced (censored) all the time, but we aren't told about it. That's just the very nature of the silencing. A lot of self-censorship means not removal but proactive silencing. It's ...
From what we can gather, based on online tools, some articles about ONLYOFFICE 8.3 seem to be getting the 'BetaNews treatment', which is aping using LLM slop: This is also "Latest Technology News", ...
LAST year we saw Windows falling to new lows in Senegal, as measured by one surveyor. Well, the same one now sees it even lower (at 11.35%). Is Linus Torvalds free to express his mind as he wishes ...
Seeing that Windows is in rapid decline, and narrowing things down to laptops and desktops, we observe a sharp rise for GNU/Linux in Chile: This improved a lot in recent months while Microsoft went ...
He said that "RMS has made no headway. Louis Rossmann tried and failed and was laughed out of hearings until he wised up and hired lobbyists. Then progress started. The FSF needs to hire lobbyists too ...