The Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition (DHRC) regularly releases fact sheets, reports, and other information to inform its members, disaster impacted communities, and policymakers about the latest ...
Thank you for supporting the National Low Income Housing Coalition through your membership! NLIHC is a membership-based organization open to individuals, organizations, corporations, and government ...
On February 7, HUD Secretary Scott Turner announced HUD will stop enforcing the 2016 Equal Access Rule, which requires housing, facilities, and services funded through HUD’s Office of Community ...
The Trump administration rescinded on January 29 a memo issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) calling for a funding freeze on thousands of federal programs, pending review by the ...
The National Low Income Housing Coalition is dedicated solely to achieving socially just public policy that assures people with the lowest incomes in the United States have affordable and decent homes ...
The Housing Trust Fund Project was initiated by Mary Brooks at the Center for Community Change in 1986, and has functioned as a comprehensive source of information on housing trust funds throughout ...
The December 2020 COVID-19 relief package included $25 billion (ERA1) in urgently needed emergency rental assistance for tenants with low incomes and established the Emergency Rental Assistance ...