L'Union européenne et les États-Unis entretiennent les relations bilatérales en matière de commerce et d'investissements les plus développées et les relations économiques les plus intégrées au monde.
The EU recognises the strategic nature of space and that space is key for the EU’s freedom of action and autonomous decision-making in security and defence.
Yleisten asioiden neuvoston epävirallinen kokous 17.–18.2.2025 ...
Pagrindinių temų, kurios bus aptariamos ES Tarybos posėdžiuose artimiausias dvi savaites, ir būsimų renginių žiniasklaidai apžvalga.
Pregled glavnih zadev, ki bodo v naslednjih dveh tednih obravnavane na sejah Sveta EU, ter prihodnjih medijskih dogodkov.
Síntese dos principais temas a debater nas reuniões do Conselho da UE nas próximas duas semanas e dos futuros eventos para os média.
Az Európai Unió Tanácsának ülésein a következő két hétben napirenden lévő fő témák és a soron következő médiaesemények áttekintése.
Die ungerechtfertigte und grundlose Invasion Russlands in die Ukraine und die Instrumentalisierung von Energie als Waffe haben die Diversifizierung der Energieversorgung für die EU-Länder zur ...
Although the main responsibility for addressing terrorism lies with member states, the EU has developed several tools to prevent radicalisation. On this page How the EU counters terrorist propaganda ...
You will receive an automatic email to inform you once your application has been validated and the badge is ready to be collected. One-year badges can be collected, on an individual basis only, at the ...
The meeting of the European Council will take place on 20 and 21 March 2025 in the Europa building in Brussels. Address: Rue de la Loi 155/Wetstraat 155, 1040-Brussels. Registration Media ...
The meeting of the European Council will take place on 20 and 21 March 2025 in the Europa building in Brussels. Address: Rue de la Loi 155/Wetstraat 155, 1040-Brussels. The deadline to register is ...