日月其迈,岁律更新。 1月6日上午,我院在海琴二号B102报告厅举办大气科学学院教职工大会暨新年联欢茶话会,全院教职工欢聚一堂,共话喜悦收获,互道美好祝福。
【学术预告】(2025年“逸仙大气论坛”系列讲座第2讲)中国冷冬/暖冬季节内交替的时空特征及其与北极极涡振荡的关系 ...
Volatile in Martian meteorites serves as an important target for investigating the properties and migration characteristics of Martian fluids. Impact events have a significant influence on the ...
The widespread magnetosonic waves are one of the most important agents, through wave-particle interactions, for energy transmission and non-thermal ion escape in the Martian collisionless plasma ...
The boundary of the solar wind-Mars interaction serves as both the core region where the solar wind erodes the Martian ionosphere and a critical area for investigating the formation and evolution of ...
Regolith returned by the Chang’E-5 mission was mainly evolved from young mare basalts by impact collisions and space weathering, and it records important information about impact process and impact ...
2014-2015 Uchida Ocean foundation, the internal fund for outstanding students' travel abroad from the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo. 2015-2016 Graduate School of ...
陈修治,逸仙学者特聘教授,博士研究生导师,现任广东省陆地-海洋生态系统碳中和科学数据中心主任。入选国家级高层次青年人才计划、国家农业部神农英才计划、广东省特支计划和珠江科技新星培育计划,担任2024年度国际蓝色星球奖(Blue Plantet Prize)提名人。