termed rhizobia. The authors report that iron binds to and stabilizes the iron sensor BRUTUS A (BTSa), which monoubiquitinates the pro-nodulation transcription factor NSP1a to increase its ...
The agronomist encouraged farmers to perform inoculation to ensure successful nodulation. “Inoculation is the process of introducing the appropriate rhizobium bacteria to the soil in numbers ...
Researchers have discovered a biological mechanism that makes plant roots more welcoming to beneficial soil microbes. Researchers have discovered a biological mechanism that makes plant roots more ...
Link, G. K. K., Wilcox, H. W., and Link, A. DeS., Bot. Gaz., 98, 816–867 (1937).
Farmers growing leguminous crops, the hosts for the nitrogen-fixing rhizobia bacteria, can and should improve nitrogen by inoculating their legume crops with more of the bacteria. Grasslands ...