When a university in a small town closes, the economic impact is significant. Often these universities are one of the major employers in a rural community, providing jobs not just to faculty and staff ...
Schools around the U.S. are closing due to surges of flu and other illnesses which are sickening students and staff. Here's ...
Many schools, struggling to properly staff amid a surge in flu cases and maintain student attendance, are closing for a long weekend, with some shifting to virtual learning. In their statements, ...
Two local school districts are dealing with school closures today due to a large amount of students and staff reporting illness. The Clark-Shawnee Local School District ...
An administrator with Fremont City Schools told 13 Action News Mehlow is a teacher with the district and has been placed on ...
Day, who earned just over $10 million in 2024, was under fire by fans and media after the Buckeyes lost to rival Michigan for ...
Police say a second employee has died following a shooting at an Ohio warehouse and four others remain hospitalized as the co ...
The WTOL 11 Weather team has issued a Weather Impact ALERT DAY for freezing rain that will enter northwest Ohio and lower ...
Within the hour, many more districts followed suit including Akron Public Schools, Elyria City Schools, Fairless Local Schools, and more. In addition, colleges and universities such as Cleveland State ...
Several school districts in central Ohio canceled classes or delayed start times Thursday morning because of icy conditions.
The number of schools closed or in a delay number in the hundreds in northern Ohio thanks to the overnight freezing rain.
Lakewood City Schools for the better part of the last year has been studying the future of the district’s seven elementary ...