Cybersecurity officials released a joint advisory with the FBI warning against the increasing threat of Medusa ransomware.
A dangerous ransomware program has taken data from hundreds of victims hostage—and more could be at risk, according to a ...
A dangerous ransomware program has taken data from hundreds of victims hostage—and more could be at risk, according to a ...
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has alerted Gmail, Outlook and VPN users over an impending Medusa virus attacks and ...
Cybersecurity officials released a joint advisory with the FBI warning against the increasing threat of ransomware.
The FBI has lately issued warnings about some of the most advanced ransomware attacks ever against Gmail users, as well ...
(华盛顿16日综合电)美国联邦调查局(FBI)及网路安全和基础设施安全局(CISA)示警,危险的勒索软体“梅杜沙”(Medusa)肆虐,自今年2月以来已有逾300用户受害。美联社报道,美国政府官员在日前发布的警讯中示警,梅杜沙是一种“勒索软体即服务” ...
A Dangerous Double Threat. What makes Medusa particularly concerning is its double extortion strategy. Once attackers gain access to a system, they encrypt valua ...
The FBI and CISA have issued a cybersecurity alert warning users of email services like Gmail and Outlook about the Medusa ...
Government officials warn that a ransomware-as-a-service software called Medusa has recently affected hundreds of people.
Earlier this week, the FBI and U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency released an advisory alerting users of ...