Shares of Intuitive Machines ( LUNR 9.10%) fell this week. The company's stock plunged 18.9% as of 3:20 p.m. ET on Friday, ...
截至2月4日,约有1,944万份权证未行使,其中约1,287万份以每股11.50美元的价格行权,为Intuitive Machines带来约1.48亿美元的现金收入。主要权证持有人Michael Blitzer行使了180万份权证,公司随后以相同行权价格从他手中回购了941,080股股票,总计2,070万美元。Blitzer在此交易中未获得任何现金对价。
在全球金融市场的波动中,航空航天行业一直是一个备受关注的焦点。最近,Intuitive Machines (LUNR.US) 股价在盘前交易中大幅下跌34%,此前一天该公司的股价已经暴跌了20%。这一剧烈的股价波动源自该公司第二个月球着陆器“雅典娜”(Athena)在月球表面出现的意外情况:侧翻着陆。
周五,Cantor Fitzgerald重申对Intuitive Machines Inc. (NASDAQ: LUNR )的增持评级,维持15.00美元的目标价。此次重申评级是在公司第二次月球任务之后,其IM-2任务月球着陆器"雅典娜"号偏离目标着陆。雅典娜号在月球南极预定着陆点约250米处的一个环形坑内侧着陆。这一事件导致Intuitive ...
美国民营太空公司Intuitive Machines开发的最新月球着陆器雅典娜号(Athena),美东时间3月6日成功降落月球南极附近,但似乎和该公司一年前的奥德修斯号月球着陆器(Odysseus)一样再次呈侧翻姿势。
Shares of Intuitive Machines ( LUNR -22.69%) are falling on Monday. The company's stock plunged 23.3% as of 1:20 p.m. ET ...
周五盘前交易中,Intuitive Machines (LUNR)的股价大幅下跌34%,此前一天 (周四)该股已暴跌 20%。初步报告显示,这家总部位于休斯敦的航空航天公司的第二个月球着陆器“雅典娜 (Athena)”侧翻着陆。然而,该公司在周五的最新消息中确认,该着陆器目前在月球表面“运行”正常。
智通财经APP获悉,周五盘前交易中,Intuitive Machines(LUNR)的股价大幅下跌34%,此前一天(周四)该股已暴跌 20%。初步报告显示,这家总部位于休斯敦的 ...
A photo confirms that Athena landed on its side and meets the same fate as Odysseus, which also failed to land correctly on ...
After hours of uncertainty, officials from the Houston company said there are clues that the spacecraft is on its side, which ...
Intuitive Machines' Athena lunar lander is dead, just one day after it touched down at the moon's south pole and tipped over.
After a day of uncertainty following a harrowing moon landing attempt, the company Intuitive Machines sealed the fate of its ...