Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
《哪吒2》票房横扫全球,电影对“哪吒闹海”进行了重新解读和呈现。据明代小说《封神演义》记载:哪吒“将七尺混天绫放于海中,摆一摆江河晃动,摇一摇乾坤震撼。不觉那水晶宫已晃的乱响……”哪吒在海边洗澡的“无害”动作,殊不知在深海演变成了摧枯拉朽的风暴。图源 ...
From the beginning, the design intent was to reconsider the existing structure, retaining the integrity of the original volume while revising the façade to maximize views of the ocean and Ilha Grande ...