Director Isaac Olson is conducting auditions for the FungusAmongus Players’ summer theater production “Much Ado About Nothing” by William Shakespeare, 6-9 p.m. Saturday, April ...
A free lecture series about William Shakespeare will begin in Kettering next Thursday. Those asking “to be or not to be” will have the chance to indulge ...
Irvin Matus The new reading room of the Folger Shakespeare Library is dominated by a huge painting of the sort that Oscar Wilde's Lady Bracknell migh ...
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him well” is a famous quote from William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.” But do we really know this revered play? Three very different ...
The Comedy of Errors is the name of one of William Shakespeare’s earliest dramatic works. The story, based on an ancient Roman play, relies heavily on slapstick and puns. The ...