Even in this world, the whole concept is a blast—fingers (and fully rendered clothes, unfortunately) be damned. You can see it for yourself on the Australian Open’s YouTube channel, with matches ...
It is. The Australian Open on YouTube, due to rights issues, are getting around them by replacing real players with Nintendo Wii Sports Tennis characters. I think I love this. Like many sporting ...
(It’s not actually Wii Sports, to be clear ... has been broadcasting matches on its YouTube channel using digital, video game-like avatars. These digital recreations aren’t perfect—sometimes ...
(It’s not actually Wii Sports, to be clear. Just looks like it.) The Australian Open, which began on January 6, has been broadcasting matches on its YouTube channel using digital, video game ...
The channel’s “AO Animated” coverage looks more like a Wii Sports tennis match than a real one, with players’ physical forms replaced with virtual avatars. Fans that have viewed the live ...