Barry Stein had ignored symptoms that started appearing in 1995. Now he's committed to helping people recognize the signs of ...
St. Luke's Hospital is using artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can help doctors find early signs of Colon Cancer.
Both Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean announced they will retire at the end of the year and will leave their roles as head ...
A randomized study has produced some hopeful news for colorectal cancer survivors with an unlikely suspect: the commonly used ...
But now, a top doctor has revealed if the dinnertime favorite is actually behind the surge of early-onset colon cancer ... No single cause has been identified for the surge, but ultra-processed ...
The NHS doesn’t offer bowel screening until we’re 50. Yet with cancer rates rising, it may be worth forking out for a private test ...
But, if it feels like one just appeared out of nowhere, you might be wondering what causes them in the first place. The reality is that we don’t always know why skin tags form, but there are ...
You’ve probably heard of “colorectal cancer,” but colon cancer and rectal cancer aren’t the same. If you or someone you’re close to has it, you’ll want to know what they have in common ...
That's when they discovered a "grapefruit-sized" tumor in his colon, he said. Lopez saw the scan and couldn't believe his eyes. Colon cancer? He was so young, healthy, and fit. Stories like Lopez ...
since previous work found that repeat expansions in the range of 30 to 100 CAGs were necessary — but not sufficient — to cause Huntington’s. McCarroll agreed that 100 or fewer CAGs are not ...