Of the top 50 invertebrate prey species that the team identified, 43 are known to visit flowers. Europe’s top three main crop ...
They’re fast, they’re deadly, and they’re here. The invasive Asian hornet is officially causing concern across Spain, the UK, ...
It was first seen in the UK in 2016, and there have been regular sightings since, including 44 confirmed in 2024 – largely in ...
The findings raised new concerns over the "extra threat" the hornet poses to native insects Invasive Asian hornets are "highly flexible predators" that eat hundreds of different species of insects ...
They raised concerns over the "extra threat" species poses to native insects already under pressure. The main prey of the Asian hornet is honeybees, with one insect killing up to 50 bees a day ...
Don’t go near or touch them: report them. The aim is to prevent the Asian wasps from expanding across the island and reduce ...
They examined the guts of more than 1,500 Asian hornet larvae which eat food provided by adult insects. Study leader Siffreya Pedersen said: “Asian hornets are known to prey on honey bees ...
Invasive Asian hornets are "highly flexible predators" that eat hundreds of different species of insects, including many important pollinators, researchers have warned. Researchers from the University ...
Invasive Asian hornets are eating hundreds of different species of insects, including many which are important pollinators, researchers have warned. The findings, from tests of the guts of more ...