EU criticizes U.S. tariff, vowing to "respond firmly" if targeted: spokesman BRUSSELS, Feb. 2 (Xinhua) -- The European Commission on Sunday criticized U.S. President Donald Trump's tariff imposed upon ...
Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi received a phone call from US President Donald Trump on Saturday, having "a positive discussion" on the ongoing Israel-Hamas ceasefire in the Gaza Strip ...
菲律宾总统费迪南德·小马科斯(Ferdinand Marcos Jr.)星期四(1月30日)表示,他准备与美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统举行会晤,以便讨论两国包括移民政策在内的一系列问题。
US President Donald Trump won't impose tariffs on Colombia after its government agreed to accept Colombians deported from the ...
In the past week, the U.S. President Donald Trump topped the headlines. On the first day of his second term, he signed plenty of executive orders. Investors are worrying about his economic policy most ...
尽管如此,《总统崇拜》 (The Cult of the Presidency)一书的作者希利还是说,早在特朗普回归之前,权力就已经开始向椭圆形办公室聚拢。他举例说,拜登总统愿意行使行政权力来取消学生贷款债务,并试图强迫美国人购买某些类型的汽车。
Donald Trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the United States in the Rotunda of the US Capitol at noon on Monday, ...
虽然特朗普的许多追随者认为他的“美国优先”议程有点孤立主义的味道——把美国看成一个竖起高墙,然后撤到墙后面、全副武装、不依赖任何人的国家——但特朗普的愿景始终带有一种更具侵略性的色彩。在过去的四年里,他决心重新夺回他认为自己在2020年被作弊夺走的职 ...
周一,在美国国会大厦圆形大厅举行的就职日仪式上,刚刚宣誓就职的特朗普简短地谈到了2024年7月13日发生在他身上的袭击事件,当时20岁的托马斯·马修·克鲁克斯 (Thomas Matthew Crooks)向特朗普开枪,击中了这位总统候选人的右耳。几分钟后,克鲁克斯被特勤局的反狙击手击毙。