Even when the outcome of situations is demonstrably a matter of chance and not of skill or effort, researchers find that people may feel like they can influence the outcome. Like the optimism bias ...
Selective outcome reporting bias can potentially compromise the validity of a trial and any subsequent meta-analyses.1 Selective outcome reporting can occur in different ways: Omitting outcomes which ...
In this study, we delve into the issue of selection bias present in two cohorts, wherein the bias function depends on the outcome. We introduce a novel semi-parametric constrained optimization-based ...
The ubiquitous nature of hindsight bias is a cause for concern for those engaged in investigations and retrospective analysis of medical error. Hindsight does not ...
Unlike random sampling, selective sampling draws units based on the outcome values, such as over-sampling rare events in choice outcomes and extreme activities on continuous and count outcomes.
We derive general, yet simple, sharp bounds on the size of the omitted variable bias for a broad class of causal parameters that can be identified as linear functionals of the conditional expectation ...
Background Outcome reporting bias (ORB) in randomised trials has been identified as a threat to the validity of systematic reviews. Previous work highlighting this problem is limited to considering a ...