38.2 x 28.3 cm. (15 x 11.1 in.) ...
120 x 150 cm. (47.2 x 59.1 in.) ...
It was the fifth day of the second month of the year 251. One year after the martyrdom of St. Agatha, the volcano Etna erupted. The lava that spread along the slopes of the volcano threatened to ...
The hero, the martyr. His name will be repeated, his face printed on posters, his family praised, perhaps even compensated. Martyrdom—the ultimate marketing campaign. Not conceived by an advertising ...
It hangs alongside the two other paintings of Matthew by Caravaggio: The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew (painted around the same time as the Calling) and The Inspiration of Saint Matthew (1602).
GREEN BAY (WLUK) -- It's a project eight years in the making. The latest round of iconography is being installed at St. Matthew Orthodox Church in Green Bay. Officials say the tradition combines ...
One folk tradition that continues in some homes on St. Brigid's Day (or Imbolc) is that of the Brigid's Bed. The girls and young unmarried women of the household or village create a corn dolly to ...
Sunday: 8:00AM; 11:00AM.
in your everyday interactions with a partner and grow together as a unit. Michelangelo once famously shared the sentiment that he didn’t create his sculptures, but merely uncovered the ...
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by ...