Simply burning the oil, a practice that had been used with ... It is surpassed only by the intentional 1991 gulf war spill in Kuwait. The Ixtoc spill devastated local fisheries and economies.
The Justice Department and five states on Monday announced a $20 billion final settlement of claims arising from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. BP has reached an $18.7 ...
Iraq released millions of barrels of oil into the Persian Gulf. The spill covered an area 100 miles ... Shaun Rusling: ‘It was the morning of the ground war offensive; the sun simply did not ...
That includes major safety lapses, such as a massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the departure of several bosses. Yet its biggest blunder has been the bungled attempts to profitably ...
NEW YORK: BP Plc has asked a U.S. judge to direct what it called a "vast number" of businesses to repay hundreds of millions of dollars it says were wrongly awarded as compensation on claims ...