Examine your conscience. Recall your sins. Calmly ask yourself what you have done with full knowledge and full consent against God's Commandments.
When was my last good Confession? Did I receive Communion or other sacraments while in the state of mortal sin? Did I intentionally fail to confess some mortal sin in my previous Confession?
Set against the backdrop of the Troubles in Northern Ireland in the 1960's, 'Examination of Conscience' follows two brothers of questionable morals. This snapshot of their lives shows how they and ...
Lent (a season of spiritual renewal) came early this year. Tony Campolo tells a parable of a boring, little town that decided to hold a footrace. One man fell to his knees, crying, ‘I have crossed the ...
So, for those who were caught off guard, I offer this brief examination of conscience to use during the 40 days leading up to Easter 2008. 1 – Are you still in the race? Tony Campolo tells a ...