It was a beautiful plan, I’m sure you’ll agree, perfect in its form and simplicity. It would have worked too, if it weren’t for my lovely wife, Sweetums. My plan began to form ...
I was wedged under my lawn mower, “The Belt-throwing Savage,” a few weeks ago trying, in vain, to replace another belt when it hit me. The sweat in my eyes, the mud on clothes, the biting flies ...
Animatronics of Statler and Waldorf comment from a side balcony throughout, and a live-action Sweetums makes an appearance. June 7 will also be the final day for PizzeRizzo, the two-story ...
For the first time in their careers, all the Muppets (except the ones that couldn't make it, like the Doozers, Gorgs and most of the Fraggles) have gathered together in one place to celebrate ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My dog is a great conversation starter. Strangers who stop to admire him will often share a story or two about their own pets, or their own memories of dogs they’ve known.
But you can stop them. At the first sign of a disaster story, Miss Manners suggests holding up your hand and saying, “Wait -- Fido (or Achilles or Sweetums, whatever your dog’s name ...