A sperm whale’s tooth can weigh more than two pounds and they are illegally trafficked to be used as decorations and for ...
Sperm whales are the largest of the toothed whales. Albinism is a rare trait in the whales, which are typically gray in color. First mate Owen Chase wrote later how he saw the whale “appear with ...
Some baleen whales avoid killer whale attacks by singing songs at deep frequencies that their predators cannot hear.
The sperm whale is the largest toothed predator on the planet and the master of the open ocean. The aim of the Blue Planet II team was to capture an intimate family portrait of sperm whales ...
A sperm whale stranded on Cuttyhunk Island over the weekend, adding to alarming whale death toll since December. Here's what we know.
Sperm whales are endangered and the largest members ... regions and travel to lower latitudes in search of females for mating. According to the Fish and Wildilfe Foundation of Florida's ...
Perfumers covet a rare kind of whale poop known as ambergris. Though it develops in the intestine of sperm whales, it produces a prized scent used in high-end fragrances. Following is the ...
Sperm whales are the planet’s largest-brained animals, and their nested social structures are immense. About 10 whales swim together full-time as a unit. They will sometimes meet up with ...
The sperm whale on Cuttyhunk Island was a female measuring 32 feet long and weighing about 11 tons, Hedman said.